Photos and signatures captured with TaroWorks are stored as Salesforce Files. You map these question types to URL fields, because the URL is where the .jpg File is stored. In our current versions of TaroWorks, this url points to the server "", however your organization's Salesforce instance may be operating on a different server. To display the images at these URL's, please use the following steps.
- A. Update Domain Settings - ensure redirect is enabled and store your server name in a system field like Division. This way, if your server changes in the future, you can update this in a centralized place.
- B. Remove Server Name in Display Formulas- when creating your formula field to display the image, remove "".
A. Update Domain Settings
- Click Setup in top right corner.
- Navigate to Administer > Domain Management > My Domain
Tip: Type 'My Domain' in the search bar above the menu. - Click Edit.
- For Redirect Policy, select Redirected to the same page within the domain.
- Click Save.
B. Remove Server Name in Display Formulas
- Go to object that you'd like to display an Photo or Signature for.
- Click New under Custom Field & Relationships.
- Choose a Field Type of Formula.
- Enter something like Signature for the Field Label.
- Choose Text for the Formula Return Type.
- Click Next.
- Choose the Advanced Formula Tab.
- Copy and paste the following to display a signature:
IF( Signature_URL__c ="" , "No signature on record", IMAGE( SUBSTITUTE( Signature_URL__c , "", LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)) ), "", 180,320)) - Copy and paste the following into the formula to display a photo:
IF( Photo_URL__c ="" , "No photo on record", IMAGE( SUBSTITUTE( Photo_URL__c , "", LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)) ), "", 240,320)) - Replace the name of the photo/signature fields (in bold) with the api names of your photo or signature URL fields that you are populating with TaroWorks. (To find the api name, you can highlight the existing field name in the formula and then click Insert Field and then click on the name of the URL field)
- Click Treat blank fields as blanks.
- Click Next.
- Select which profiles can view the File and click Next.
- Click Save.
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