Viewing images in your drill-down hierarchies was introduced in TaroWorks 5.0.
- A. How to add a URL field containing an image to an existing Job - This is an important step so that the image can be visible on mobile.
- B. Viewing images in mobile - A visual representation of what you should expect to see.
A. How to add a URL field containing an image to a Job
In order for your mobile users to view an image referenced in a URL field in Salesforce, the url field need to be chosen as a selected field in the drill-down hierarchy of your Job.
In this example the images we are going to display in the Job were previously collected using the photo question in a TaroWorks Form. By adding the URL question that was previously populated by a TaroWorks Job, the associated image will be displayed to the mobile user upon selecting the associated record.
- Click Add Drill-Down Hierarchy.
- Enter a Drill-down Hierarchy Name.
- Select first Object or list of assigned records that you'd like your mobile users to begin drilling down from. We recommend starting all Job Drill Down Hierarchies at the same level you’re doing Mobile Record Assignment.
- Select the Field Displayed on Record List/on Drill-Down to chose the field that will represent the record in the list.
- In the Fields Sent to Mobile / Displayed on Detail View make sure the field you map to a photo question is added to Selected Fields.
- Once you have all the Selected Fields added that you'd like exposed to the mobile user
- Click Save.
- Go to Add Task and create a View Task with details as shown below.
- Save Job.
- Publish Job.
- Sync device to make sure new changes have been effected.
B. Viewing Images on Mobile Device
On the TaroWorks App
- Click the Job you created above.
- Select a record.
- The last level of the drill-down hierarchy will have it's detail fields displayed automatically. If you photo is not in the final level of the drill-down, the user will need to click the paper icon to the left of the record.
- Click the image thumbnail to enlarge.
- Click the native back button to return to the record details.
Congratulations! You've completed the steps to show images in the drill-down hierarchy.
Limits and Error Codes
- In our stress testing, you can download ~10MB of images in ~10 minutes on a poor connection. We recommend a maximum of 10MB of total images to be synced to each device.
- If the image isn’t stored in SF (external url) (no error, just caution sign).
- If user doesn’t have access to the url field a 00005 error will be shown on device.
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