- Select Job dropdown for Job Targets is not sorted alphabetically IDALMSA-6514
- The & sign is translated to & when used in DDH name IDALMSA-12495
- Limited number of characters in DDH Name and Title of task in TW Job IDALMSA-12505
- Submission Data - Mobile User mapping to User Object IDALMSA-12476
- SF user unable to open video with 3gp file format in TaroWorks library IDALMSA-12509
- Force Live Photo (SF) IDALMSA-11569
- Lightning Performance Module SF IDALMSA-11777
- Migrating Forms and Jobs Between Orgs IDALMSA-12425
- SF Misc Improvements 7.4 IDALMSA-12323
- Mimosa 7.4 Release Tasks (SF) IDALMSA-12568
- TW logo on SF Side IDALMSA-12331
- As a Mobile User I would like to know what type of organization I am syncing to so that it can be captured on Mobile Analytics IDALMSA-11589
- Add API for Form/Job Import/Export Automation IDALMSA-12554
- Add "Export JSON" button to Form Preview Page IDALMSA-12444
- Migrating Jobs Between Orgs IDALMSA-12428
- Migrating Forms Between Orgs IDALMSA-12427
- Editing Performance Targets IDALMSA-12326
- Assign Performance Targets to MUs on SF and Platform licenses IDALMSA-12300
- Create a new Lightning Web Component - CreatePerformanceIndicatorComponent IDALMSA-12297
- Create a new Lightning Web Component - CreateJobTargetComponent IDALMSA-12296
- Create a new Lightning Web Component - SelectProfile Component IDALMSA-12295
- Create a new Lightning Web Component - NewPerformanceMetric IDALMSA-12294
- Data Model changes for Lightning Performance Module IDALMSA-12289
- Add Salesforce Response Processing for Geoshape IDALMSA-12508
- Add Salesforce Question for Geoshape IDALMSA-12507
- Send Required Live Photo Field from SF to mobile side through web services IDALMSA-12336
- As a TMU I want Read access for “Require Live Photo” field added to the TMU Permission Set IDALMSA-11868
- As a SF User I want the SurveyQuestion page updated to include the new "Require Live Photo" field under photo question type IDALMSA-11867
- As a SF User, I want the Apex Classes updated so that all actions associated with the new “Require Live Photo” field are well implemented IDALMSA-11866
- As a SF user, I want a new field “Require Live Photo” added on the question object IDALMSA-11865
- Dynamic Operations doesn't run when hidden and last question in a regular section and its value is used to drive iterations of a repeat section IBTFF-4064
- Repeat section gets skipped when a hidden text question exists in form and calculated as a dynamic operation IBTFF-4104
- Repeat section gets skipped when it is driven by a question in a regular section where all of the questions are hidden IBTFF-4143
- Repeat section gets skipped when the second last question in Regular Section is a Dynamic Operation and is hidden through a skip logic and the last question is also a Dynamic Operation which is hidden IBTFF-4144
- Clicking on a saved image does not open on Android 11 device on both regular and tabular and non-tabular repeat sections IBTFF-4431 & IBTFF-4493 & IBTFF-4880
- Mobile app get crashed if MU comes back to multi select question in regular section and deselect the selected records and click next where next section is repeat section IBTFF-4607
- Popup as 'Repeat questions in repeat section ? with Continue and Repeat Section' option get display for repeat section where all of its questions are hidden IBTFF-4609
- Repeat section based on number(Hidden) which is calculated using dynamic operation gets skipped, when a text question is hidden due to logic and after that there is another question in regular section before repeat section IBTFF-4637
- Regular section is not skipped (Only show first question and skipped next question), when number question calculated using DO (Hidden ) is used to skip regular section using logic IBTFF-4655
- Repeat section driven by Dynamic Ops from Regular section gets skipped when "Show all questions on one page" checkbox for regular section before the DO section is checked IBTFF-4658
- TaroWorks spelled incorrectly- TW 7.0.3 Spanish IBTFF-4682
- MU is not able to long press and copy & paste click to call digits in DDH IBTFF-4909
- MU not able to see picklist values (Single select or multi select) in DDH, while performing offline job integration IBTFF-5095
- Force Live Photo (Mobile) IBTFF-4585
- Lightning Performance Module Mobile IBTFF-4920
- Mobile UI Improvements v1 IBTFF-4926
- TaroWorks Android 12 Support IBTFF-4958
- TaroWorks Android 13 Support IBTFF-5068
- Geoshapes Capture Prototype IBTFF-5110
- Mimosa 7.4 Release Tasks (Mobile) IBTFF-5178
- Add New Media Permissions IBTFF-5073
- Update Build & Target SDK Tools to Support v33 IBTFF-5072
- Fix Suppression filter issue in checkstyle to generate Jenkins build for supporting Android 12 IBTFF-5015
- Update intent filters & intents mutability IBTFF-4961
- Upgrade Gradle to version 7.0 IBTFF-4960
- Add permission & support for approximate location IBTFF-4902
- Update the font style across board to match updated typography IBTFF-4940
- Prompt Mobile Users to confirm before Sync is cancelled IBTFF-4934
- Update the homepage icons IBTFF-4932
- Update the colour scheme and headers/buttons style to match across board IBTFF-4931
- Update the company logo on the app view IBTFF-4930
- Google private listing outdated SDK version - Upgrade to a newer version (3.5.9+) IBTFF-5030
- As a TaroWorks Firebase User, I want to see the type of org parameter on all firebase events so that I can isolate customer production activities in reporting IBTFF-4173
- As a Firebase User, I want to get a report of the Mobile Users who have been assigned Job targets and/or Performance indicators so that I can report on utilization of the performance module IBTFF-4925
- Supporting Performance Targets for MUs on SF and Platform licenses IBTFF-4924
- Force Geoshape questions to only use Textarea fields instead of text IBTFF-5140
- Enforce Validations (minimum area/minimum perimeter/self-intersecting should block question submission) IBTFF-5131
- Show area/perimeter/intersecting calculations right-justified in bottom right of app IBTFF-5130
- Add "Redo" button to prevent accidental Undo IBTFF-5128
- Capture Elevation in GeoJSON IBTFF-5124
- View Captured Area in Acres and Hectares IBTFF-5123
- Add "Allow Tap to Capture Points" as option IBTFF-5122
- Add "Allow Self-Intersecting Geoshape" as option IBTFF-5121
- Enforce Right-Hand Rule for Submissions IBTFF-5120
- Show the area and perimeter on the google maps overlay view IBTFF-5118
- Add Button for "Capture Point at Current Location" IBTFF-5114
- Add Undo Button to point moves/additions IBTFF-5113
- Format GeoJSON string from Geoshapes coordinates IBTFF-5112
- Take Photo Button event IBTFF-4937
- Rename "Add Photo" button to "Take Photo" button in tabular repeat section IBTFF-4822
- Check require live photo flag and disable or enable "Choose Photo" button IBTFF-4821
- Get and save requireLivePhoto flag from SF IBTFF-4820
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