[IDALMSA-4240] - Remove left right scroll bar in Survey Results page
[IDALMSA-4552] - As a Job Creator, I can set the default job target for all Mobile Users and the timeframe it's valid for
[IDALMSA-4553] - As a Job Creator, I can set a different job target for each Mobile User
[IDALMSA-4554] - As a Field Manager, I can update a job target's values (both default and individual)
[IDALMSA-4574] - As a Field Manager, I can view all job targets that have been set
[IDALMSA-4575] - As a Field Manager, I can view a new report called Progress by Job Target with 2 standard SF charts - Vertical Bar Chart of % Progress of each Mobile User and a Ranking Table
[IDALMSA-4675] - As a Field Manager, I can close an active job target
[IDALMSA-4680] - As a Field Manager, I can update the job target's name
[IDALMSA-4682] - "New Mobile User" or "Previously Inactive Mobile User becomes Active" automatically gets the default job target
[IDALMSA-4688] - As a SF, I send a specific error message when an object set as reference object but the parent record cannot be found
[IDALMSA-4695] - Create OM as defined in documentation
[IDALMSA-4696] - Define RESTful Endpoint for job targets
[IDALMSA-4697] - Update API documentation to include the job targets endpoint
[IDALMSA-4698] - Make sure RESTful endpoint carries out standard authentication
[IDALMSA-4703] - Assigned Job Targets are updated when a Job Activity is submitted
[IDALMSA-4704] - Create Batch Job to update Job Targets in case there is failure of assignedTarget - shouldn't occur
[IDALMSA-4711] - As a Job Creator, I want active Job Targets to close if the associated Job is closed
[IDALMSA-4713] - As SF, new assigned targets are created for each MU at the end of the time period
[IDALMSA-4714] - As a Field Manager, I can view a standard SF table: Performance against Job Targets per Mobile User in new Job Target Dashboard (C)
[IDALMSA-4731] - As SF, AssignedTarget__c objects are created when adding a new Job Target with only a default target set
[IDALMSA-4732] - As SF, AssignedTarget__c objects are created when adding a new Job Target with individual targets set
[IDALMSA-4733] - As SF, AssignedTarget__c objects are updated when updating an existing Job Target
[IDALMSA-4737] - When Job Filtering is turned on, the available JobTargets are filtered as well
[IDALMSA-4765] - As a FM, I want progress to be calculated as 100% if I enter in a 0 target
[IDALMSA-4766] - As a Field Manager, I can access Performance page by clicking on Performance tab by default in TaroWorks
[IDALMSA-4774] - Add new objects and classes to site and user profiles in Galangal
[IDALMSA-4793] - Preview - Name of cascading select csv should be displayed in survey preview page.
[IDALMSA-4819] - Hide/Remove Use as Interviewee checkbox visually only
[IDALMSA-4955] - Fix page redirection for Job Target pages
[IDALMSA-4957] - Refactor creation of Assigned targets at the end of the time period
[IDALMSA-4958] - Create a scheduled job to run JobTargetCleanUpBatch every night at 1AM org time
[IDALMSA-4570] - Wrong error code returned when device not found
[IDALMSA-4769] - Survey Builder - Cancel link is not correctly working.
[IDALMSA-4771] - Field Mapping - Removing ID field and Required checkbox, then setting ID field again is not making the question required
[IDALMSA-4787] - Error on cascading select that should be able to be uploaded
[IDALMSA-4788] - Question Builder - Edit a cascading select question is not saving after an error.
[IDALMSA-4789] - Missing WWW-Authenticate on authentication error with REST services
[IDALMSA-4800] - Cascading Select Manager - Cascading select title is not unique.
[IDALMSA-4801] - Clicking Cancel on New Cascading Select page gives bad error
[IDALMSA-4805] - CSV cannot be uploaded - it says there are special characters
[IDALMSA-4807] - Field Mapping - when an autonumber is set as 'id field' and another field was 'id field', the previous field is not correctly removed.
[IDALMSA-4811] - "/performance" endpoint - When a contact doesn't have an account associated, the contact name value displayed in the response body is null
[IDALMSA-4814] - Correct errors in test methods SurveyQuestionControllerTest
[IDALMSA-4815] - Survey Builder - Attempt to de-reference a null object on question builder page after select 'use as interviewee' check box on field mapping.
[IDALMSA-4816] - Authentication - IMEI value is not being displayed correctly when user wants to get active targets using a deviceId value of an inactive device
[IDALMSA-4842] - "Questions and section names must not be repeated." error message is displayed after an existent question is deleted and created again with same name
[IDALMSA-4875] - Attempt to de-reference null object error in Question Builder after editing Field Mapping because old survey has Use as Interviewee checkbox checked
[IDALMSA-4880] - Fix performance endpoint to use GET method
[IDALMSA-4886] - Cannot add questions to survey System.LimitException: gfsurveys:Too many query rows: 50001
[IDALMSA-4895] - New Job Target - User is being able to save without filling all the target values
[IDALMSA-4918] - CSV structure is different and data is incomplete
[IDALMSA-4971] - Create Job Target - Update seems to break even with Job Filtering off when a SF user that didn't create a Perf Target tries to edit it
[IDALMSA-4974] - Create Job Target - Selected tab when user is at 'create job target' page is not 'performance' one.
[IDALMSA-4992] - Any missing assigned targets should be created when reaching the Update Job Target page
[IDALMSA-5062] - Performance Manager Reports - Insufficient Privileges with a taro works user.
[IDALMSA-5063] - Performance Manager - Jobs are not sorted by default by Last Modified Date, and then by Created Date
[IDALMSA-5064] - Performance Manager - Timeframe is not correctly displayed when updating a Job Target
[IDALMSA-5075] - Performance Manager - Job activities created before the performance target will not be considered in the progress.
[IDALMSA-4794] - Refactor code of Job Targets to PerformanceTargetDO.cls
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