[IDALMSA-4772] - [Automation] - Updates for Automation in 2.26
[IDALMSA-4959] - Question Builder - Deleting a section after delete a question that was referenced by a repeated section redirects the user to a visualforce error page.
[IDALMSA-5149] - [Automation] Setting up Page access and Configuring Library is not working on Site Profile Automation
[IDALMSA-5292] - Cannot clone survey with deleted object - Exception is also emailed
[IDALMSA-5381] - Assign Records - Sort pick lists.
[IDALMSA-5427] - Assign Records - If user add some filters the submit and cancel buttons are not displayed.
[IDALMSA-5433] - Assign Records - Visualforce error when user try to assign the same record twice.
[IDALMSA-5461] - Survey Builder - Deleting a question required by mapping deletes the logic but not the question.
[IDALMSA-5477] - 3 more failing Test cases causing 2.26 Beta 3 to not be created
[IDALMSA-5485] - Cannot install package into org
[IDALMSA-5487] - Quick Fix: Replace Limits.getScriptStatements() method with CPU time to fix breaking pages due to method deprecation in Spring '14 release
[IDALMSA-5518] - Job Target Clean Up Batch errors out if there are more than 200 mobile users
[IDALMSA-5528] - Post install script failed with 201 contacts assigned to a mobile user.
[IDALMSA-5540] - Assign Records - Unassign records is not working properly for more than 250 records.
[IDALMSA-5550] - gets Null pointer exception in survey Builder possibly due to Javascript breaking in Field Mapping with multiple M-D rels
[IDALMSA-5551] - Assign Records - Unassign for more than 250 records doesn't work properly - Manage Records page should display ALL records assigned
[IDALMSA-5555] - Invalid id: hsbrv5lc Error is in expression '{!removeQuestionController}' in page gfsurveys:surveyquestion when deleting section
[IDALMSA-5571] - Job - Closed surveys are not displayed in task detail.
[IDALMSA-5574] - Instance data is filtered by Contact Owner = TaroWorks Site Guest User, as a result no instance data is passed into devices on sync
[IDALMSA-5576] - Exception "attempt to deference a null object" and Section changes are not Saved if there is Field Mapping and trying to delete empty section after moving questions from it
[IDALMSA-5581] - 20014 error for on their SF instance due to field mapping error
[IDALMSA-5582] - Null pointer exception for e-warehouse
[IDALMSA-5585] - Failing Test Cases
[IDALMSA-5588] - Cannot assign records from detail objects because of job filtering
[IDALMSA-5622] - Fix failing test cases on oAuth Branch
[IDALMSA-5628] - Update Performance Target Workflow throws error on any target that's associated with a Closed Job
[IDALMSA-5630] - Build Failure 4-7-2014
[IDALMSA-5631] - Check that API Enabled is by default checked for TaroWorks Partner User profile
[IDALMSA-5654] - Jobs cannot be submitted from Mobile 1.8 to SF 2.27 develop
[IDALMSA-5676] - Fix Failures in Beta 2.27 Package Creation
[IDALMSA-5678] - Fix TaroRestJobTemplatesTest.TestSyncPublishedJobs for package
[IDALMSA-5681] - Cannot sync job with few pictures attached to the survey.
[IDALMSA-5690] - Extra 1800 Application Version record created when upgrading to 2.27 Beta 1
[IDALMSA-3817] - Remove GPS Capture Checkbox
[IDALMSA-3820] - Survey Creator can add question type that Capture GPS Location
[IDALMSA-3824] - Survey Creator is not allowed to assign scores (add scoring) to GPS Location question type
[IDALMSA-3825] - As a Survey Creator, I can apply logic condition to GPS question type or as a source from GPS question type
[IDALMSA-3826] - As a Survey Creator, I can map GPS question type to SF geolocation fields in Survey Builder
[IDALMSA-3828] - As a Survey Creator, I can preview GPS question type in survey preview page
[IDALMSA-3829] - As a Survey Creator, I can see submitted GPS coordinates value (lat, long) and generated map link in survey result page
[IDALMSA-3904] - As a Survey Manager, I can export GPS location value to CSV
[IDALMSA-3912] - As GF, I can generate correct survey XForm for GPS question type
[IDALMSA-3913] - As TaroWorks, I can receive accurate submission that includes GPS question type
[IDALMSA-3919] - As a Survey Manager, I can clone surveys with GPS question types
[IDALMSA-3927] - As a Job Manager I can create Job and Task with a survey that has GPS question type in it
[IDALMSA-3928] - As a Job Creator, I am not allowed to pass value from Mapped Object field to GPS question
[IDALMSA-4689] - List additional details associated with a task on job detail page
[IDALMSA-4953] - Allow to create repeated Performance Target Names when there is no active one.
[IDALMSA-5308] - As a Job Creator, I can clone a Job
[IDALMSA-5309] - Allow to create repeated Job names
[IDALMSA-5418] - Add Application Version record for package 2.26
[IDALMSA-5434] - Several fields should be filled when survey submission is initially created
[IDALMSA-5484] - Update API version to 29
[IDALMSA-5505] - As a Survey Creator, I can see alert text on the GPS Question "required" checkbox
[IDALMSA-5507] - Redesign Export to CSV properly to work for large amount of submissions
[IDALMSA-5569] - Re-add deleted validations
[IDALMSA-5615] - GPS Location fields should be split into 3 columns in CSV
[IDALMSA-5624] - Update TaroWorks User Profile with permissions for new objects and fields in 2.27 (non-OAuth)
[IDALMSA-5626] - Update TaroWorks Guest Site User Profile with permissions for new objects and fields in 2.27 and Update Site Profile Automation (non-OAuth)
[IDALMSA-5644] - Update TaroWorks User Profile with permissions for new objects and fields in 2.27 (OAuth)
[IDALMSA-5673] - Add new APK version to Post Install Script 2.27
[IDALMSA-5689] - Check and merge Spanish translations
[IBTFF-414] - On Android 4.0 and above, black footers with Next and Prev buttons in collect data and footer, header in view data are invisible when job is edited.
[IBTFF-456] - Saving job without name didn't work fully correct.
[IBTFF-464] - Application is returning to Jobs screen after leaving from saved jobs
[IBTFF-467] - If language is changing to spanish after forms are loaded app crash.
[IBTFF-490] - File manager come back to /sdcard when user changes phone orientation
[IBTFF-522] - Cannot log out if mobile user is deleted
[IBTFF-644] - User can't click on prev button in black footer if he goes to end from contextual menu
[IBTFF-773] - If appears error on login screen b/c of Connection error, option Retry sync does not work
[IBTFF-778] - Dialog 'Sync is Complete' on Android 4.1 does not look correctly
[IBTFF-782] - In view with list of incomplete jobs is invisible/white footer
[IBTFF-804] - Dialog 'Sync is Complete' disappears when user clicks on device back button during logout
[IBTFF-823] - Buttons in drill down hierarchy do not change according to the position of the phone
[IBTFF-832] - Information about SF update runs is cut in Spanish/French version
[IBTFF-838] - User sees incorrect information when he cancels sync then he locks and unlocks screen
[IBTFF-840] - User is not informed about error when he locks and unlocks screen
[IBTFF-893] - Could not establish Internet connection error (8000, 80002, 80004)
[IBTFF-918] - A saved incomplete job ALSO appears in the list as a completed job
[IBTFF-935] - User reports crashes, and also has orphaned and duplicate submissions
[IBTFF-936] - Repeated 80003, eventually can sync - short term fix will show a more friendly error message at least
[IBTFF-940] - Not so pretty dialog during Capture Image question
[IBTFF-942] - Extra submissions created in SF when media in the submission failed the first time it tried to send
[IBTFF-951] - Loading long list of objects in drill down hierarchy for job with selected all fields for object takes too much time
[IBTFF-954] - User is not informed that device is busy when saves a lot of logs
[IBTFF-970] - Name of job is not updated after edit complete job
[IBTFF-973] - App crashes when user swipe on view with button 'Mark Complete'
[IBTFF-974] - Swipe is blocked on first question if user tried to swipe to previous question
[IBTFF-978] - TaroWorks updates time of discarded job
[IBTFF-979] - Date of last sync in Dashboard is updated although the user canceled the sync
[IBTFF-981] - Get error on first click on download auto-update if it's fresh install of app and Taro dir has not been created yet
[IBTFF-987] - Sync triggered without me telling it to Sync
[IBTFF-991] - UNSUPPORTED CLIENT error HTTPS during sync
[IBTFF-993] - static content - the instruction/hint text does not respect line break
[IBTFF-994] - Taroworks returns to the list of saved jobs after edit job
[IBTFF-995] - Fix failing acceptance test cases due to changes in loading data for View Data view.
[IBTFF-1001] - App crashing during drill-down if job has fields that weren't sync'ed on first sync from the same Object
[IBTFF-1002] - User gets error 'Collection form for this task does not exist' and log files are gibberish
[IBTFF-1008] - App crashes when internet connection is turned off right after downloading update started
[IBTFF-1022] - Signature is resized after clicking on Gather Signature again
[IBTFF-1030] - TaroWorks tries to download two updates in the same time when user syncs from dashboard and settings
[IBTFF-1047] - User cannot update Taroworks v1.8.0 to v2.27
[IBTFF-1050] - Send logs file has .tw instead of .zip as last extension
[IBTFF-1062] - App crashes when trying to submit job where survey in the job was closed
[IBTFF-1063] - App crashes after sync when going to Jobs immediately with closed survey and job
[IBTFF-1069] - Job crashes when you press Instructions or Start Job at the task list screen
[IBTFF-1074] - The bottom bar obscures part of a view data table
[IBTFF-1075] - Job cannot be sent if user adds pictures - Error 20018 then app crashes
[IBTFF-1076] - App crashes during sync after deleting job that caused error 20018
[IBTFF-1017] - Cancel downloading remaining xforms after network error occurred few times in a row
[IBTFF-394] - As a Field Officer, I can capture GPS location as part of the question on the survey
[IBTFF-551] - Send GPS coordinates for jobs and tasks in correct order
[IBTFF-712] - Include StrictMode dev tool in TaroWorks codebase.
[IBTFF-856] - Handle situation when Response with Error 20004 doesn't have submissionId header.
[IBTFF-857] - As a Field Officer, I can edit a completed job
[IBTFF-872] - Remove automatic keyboard popup on loading of form
[IBTFF-880] - Gracefully catch "java.lang.RuntimeException: Document has no root element!" exception being thrown from within ODK parseXML method.
[IBTFF-881] - As a FO, I want to have possibility to re-fetch data with full context.
[IBTFF-907] - Save Time of Sync in Logs
[IBTFF-920] - Clicking on Sync Notification does nothing - we want it to take User to last Sync Result
[IBTFF-929] - 'Last sync result' shows information about cancelled sync
[IBTFF-943] - As a Field Officer, I can sync a filled survey with a GPS location captured
[IBTFF-945] - Resend only unsent media files instead of whole submission again
[IBTFF-946] - Update some text around Auto-Update
[IBTFF-947] - Check if network interface is ready to use after device wake up.
[IBTFF-948] - Implement smart API re-try logic to reduce amount of connectivity issues when network signal isn't stable.
[IBTFF-958] - Update text of Auto-Update notification dialog
[IBTFF-960] - Update text of 8000x error messages and do layout adjustments in error dialog box.
[IBTFF-965] - User can clean sync notification.
[IBTFF-983] - Implement simplified background communication using local Binder implementation and local broadcasts.
[IBTFF-985] - Add creation of TaroWorks directories to application initialization process.
[IBTFF-1006] - As a FO, I want to see a user-friendly error message when Salesforce encounters an APEX_ERROR
[IBTFF-1026] - Change version number from 1.9 to 2.27
[IBTFF-1038] - As a FO, I want to see nice Settings menu UI so that I know which option to choose
[IBTFF-1045] - In Setting in part with information about application is displayed actual year
[IBTFF-1060] - As a FO, I want to see error message if submission response is successful but there is no submissionId returned in a header.
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