- TaroWorks 4.8.0 - May 2nd, 2018
What's New
- Mobile Downloading of Large amounts of Data Improvements
- Works with version 4.8.0
- Mobile 4.8.x Release Notes
Resolved Issues
Known Issues
Limits and Large Quantities (all known issues are around large number of questions, submissions, job activities, mobile users etc)
- Please expect slower performance during field mapping with large surveys.
- Photo and Signature don't work in a sandbox instance - wrong path recorded IDALMSA-3702
- Surveys above 300 questions are not supported. If you have survey needs greater than 300 questions, please split into multiple surveys during design.
- Surveys with more than 200 questions but lots of options in Single/Multi Select Questions are also not supported. Please split into multiple surveys during design. IDALMSA-3758
- Export to CSV All rows will break after 4000 rows. Workaround is to manually select the rows after that you need. IDALMSA-6512 IDALMSA-8908
- More than 24k job activities cannot be viewed on Job Activities tab. Workaround is to create a Salesforce report to view job activities.
- Filtering on Mobile Users or Contacts in Job Activities tab will not work with large number of contacts. Workaround is to create a Salesforce report to view job activities.
- More than 10k assigned performance targets cannot be updated. IDALMSA-5110. IDALMSA 5747.
- Too many query rows, 50001 error when Org has more than 50k Contacts and trying to load the Jobs target page. IDALMSA-8040
- If a user belongs to many groups and sub groups, they will encounter the 'Too many SOQL queries" error when logging in and syncing. Try to keep the number of groups at a minimum. IDALMSA-7499
- Be careful using the Clone functionality on Jobs. A new job is immediately cloned with the same name.
- Do not pass in LastViewedDate or LastReferencedDate fields in your Hierarchy Drill-downs, they're Salesforce fields that won't work. IDALMSA-6687.
- There's a delay in Queue Ownership when Publishing AND Cloning Jobs. IDALMSA-7722. IDALMSA-7745
- Only 4 Drill-down Hierarchies in a Job are supported. IDALMSA-7735.
- No mobile records will appear for a drill-down hierarchy level that has a filter on a value that is not a number or checkmark box, and the mobile user’s language does not match the company language. IDALMSA-8121
- Some Mobile Users cannot see records on Mobile when DDH starts at a level below record assignment while there are multiple look up paths IDALMSA-8597
- An error is thrown for standard objects fields that are not accessible IDALMSA-8862
Mobile Users and Object Assignment
- If you delete an entire object that's Assigned to a Mobile User, it will still display on the Mobile User's device. Workaround is to edit another object that's assigned to the Mobile User first. IDALMSA-6190.
Cascading Selects
- Error "Apex heap size too large" Exception will occur when trying to clone a survey with over 5000 unique cascading select options IDALMSA-7734
- Cascading Selects cannot be in Repeat sections.
Field Mapping (in Jobs and Surveys)
- If you accidentally map to an object that's still In Development, Mobile Users will see a Generic Object Creator error. IDALMSA-6140.
- Continue to be careful not to delete any fields or objects mapped to surveys or jobs.
- In addition, if a survey with a deleted field mapping is in both a published and a draft job, it cannot be auto-closed, and will continue to cause errors on mobile when trying to Sync. IDALMSA-5922.
- Owner Id relation does not appear in Field Mapping. IDALMSA-6839
- Submissions don't come in if they were sync'ed after Auto-Closing of Survey due to Bad Field Mapping from another User. IDALMSA-8321
Survey and Survey Results
- If you have a text answer where the first character is a comma, Survey Results will not work. Export to CSV to see results. IDALMSA-7735
- Javascript Error thrown when editing form with questions in Khmer questions in Internet Explorer IDALMSA-8765
Question Builder
- Odd behavior may occur in low bandwidth situations or when internet disconnects intermittently. Be careful when editing your survey. IDALMSA-2416
- Only 99 options can be added to a picklist type question on question builder, otherwise an error occurs IDALMSA-8518 IDALMSA-8531 IDALMSA-8532
Location Mapping
- Photos and Signatures created before upgrade to TaroWorks 4.3 will not display in maps. A script will need to be run in developer console. IDALMSA-7856
SalesForce Lightning
- Two major TaroWorks functionalities are not available in SF Lightning: Libraries and enabling a Partner Account as partner. Libraries will need to be created in SF Classic and Partner account and contacts can also be created in Salesforce Classic.
- In SF Lightning, the Home tab is the default landing page and not Jobs Tab
- Creating and sharing folders and dashboards is not yet available in Lightning - This will need to be done in SF Classic.
- TaroWorks UI and look and feel on Survey Manager in Lightning doesn't match what it is SF Classic IDALMSA-8523
- Jobs tab is not being set as landing tab for TaroWorks App in SF Lightning IDALMSA-8492
- If you have really old Mobile Application Versions, they might cause a problem in auto-update. Workaround is to deactivate all old versions and only Activate the latest one so that Auto-Update will work.
- When query is executed using SF Standard API 'Invalid Field' error is thrown for standard objects fields IDALMSA-8862
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