- Miscellaneous issue related to mobile record assignment from taroworks mobile user detail UAT story IDALMSA-10291
- User is redirected to the TaroWorks Mobile User page instead of the Record Assignment pop up after clicking Ok on the pop up that comes if no records are selected to be assigned to MU(s) IDALMSA-10281
- Order of buttons on the Record Assignment page is incorrect IDALMSA-10280
- Miscellaneous issue related to mass mobile record assignment UAT IDALMSA-10279
- Error on assigning 2 groups to a Mobile User from the TMU page IDALMSA-10174
- Mobile Record Assignment is not working when spinning out an org using TSO3 IDALMSA-10170
- Plan International - Receiving Mobile Money Apex Errors after upgrade to 6.0.3 IDALMSA-10153
- Cannot Upgrade TSO from 6.0.3 to 6.1 because requiring enablement of Communities IDALMSA-10151
- 'Unknown user permission: ViewDataLeakageEvents' error occur during deployment for enterprise org. IDALMSA-10125
- Zanzibar 6.2 Release Tasks (SF) IDALMSA-10219
- Streamlining Mobile User Management IDALMSA-9894
- SF Misc Improvements (Z) IDALMSA-9838
- As a TW user, I want to reverse update the public group in the Taroworks Mobile User records. IDALMSA-10256
- Redirect all SF side notifications and error messages with references from to the new support form IDALMSA-10240
- As a TaroWorks Support Team Member, I want to run 6.1 upgrade processes to handle larger numbers of records IDALMSA-10214
- Data Model changes to add additional fields on the Taroworks Mobile User object. IDALMSA-10164
- As a SF User, I want new TaroWorks Mobile User object record to be created upon upgrade. IDALMSA-10149
- As a SF User, I want to reverse sync on the Taroworks mobile user record on update of User record. IDALMSA-10140
- As a SF User, I want to reverse sync on the Taroworks mobile user record on update of Contact record. IDALMSA-10139
- As a SF User, I want to view Taroworks Mobile User Detail , public group membership, assigned records and assigned jobs from the TaroWorks Mobile User Detail page IDALMSA-10103
- As a SF User, I want to edit Taroworks Mobile User Detail , public group and assigned record from the Taroworks Mobile User Detail page IDALMSA-10102
- As a SF User, I want to select multiple mobile users and mass add or delete mobile record assignment from the Taroworks mobile user object list view IDALMSA-10101
- As a SF User, I want to assign or remove mobile records from the Mobile User Detail creation Page IDALMSA-10100
- As a SF User, I want to assign or remove Public Groups from the Mobile User Detail view Page IDALMSA-10099
- As a SF User, I want to create a new Taroworks Mobile User and see all the required information on a single page IDALMSA-10098
- As a SF User, I want to select multiple mobile users and mass add or mass delete membership to Public Groups IDALMSA-10091
- As a SF User, I want to see the Public Groups a MU is a member of, Jobs they have access to, Objects and number of records in that object where mobile user has record assignment IDALMSA-10090
- Data Model Changes for the Mobile User tab to add new object, its related fields and lightning component tab IDALMSA-10088
- Geo location details not showing on images uploaded on TaroWorks Mobile when downloaded from Salesforce IBTFF-3708
- Android-10: MU is not seeing orange rectangle on the dialog box when the user Leaves the job. IBTFF-3678
- TaroWorks creating Attachments that are Blank for several Mobile Users IBTFF-3671
- Bidhaa Sasa - Monthly Job Targets seem to be including the present and following month and are not updating when Jobs are completed IBTFF-3655
- Android-10 : Application crashes at the time of entering community URL. IBTFF-3589
- For View Resource task, Fast Forward and pause option is not showing for video Files. IBTFF-3585
- Android-10 : TW Application is getting crashed when Photo is uploaded from File Manager (Short term fix) IBTFF-3583
- Android-10 : Offline Integration ID generation is getting failed due to IMEI number not getting populated. IBTFF-3582
- Nothing Happening when clicking on "Select to Install" notification when upgrading from 6.0.3 to 6.1 on Android 10 IBTFF-3569
- Android 10: Job that Synced successfully still appears in Completed Jobs List on android 10 IBTFF-3553
- BRAC - Form not loading after Drill Down Hierarchy selection IBTFF-3549
- APK crashes when upgrading from any version to 6.1 on Android 10 IBTFF-3540
- MU is seeing orange triangle for Media Question in View Data task when same URL is uploaded for more than one SF field records. IBTFF-3530
- PSI - TaroWorks 6.0.3 crashing on Android 9 device after upgrading from 5.0 straight to 6.0.3 IBTFF-3494
- NUUP - Sync > 4 days (over 150 jobs to be synced) for one user - DO NOT SYNC DATA TO PRODUCTION IBTFF-3381
- One user receiving Error 20014 even after upgrading to 5.1 - over 150 jobs to be synced, sync running > 4 Days - Root Cause IBTFF-3344
- TaroWorks crashes on selecting invalid date IBTFF-3248
- Error 20027: Ilumexico cannot sync because images aren't compressed below 5MB though they should be - for 6.0 IBTFF-3244
- Image Metadata persistence Improvements IBTFF-3707
- Zanzibar 6.2 Release Tasks (Mobile)IBTFF-3654
- Setting Up Appium IBTFF-3587
- TaroWorks Android 10 Support IBTFF-3571
- Mobile Misc Improvements (Z) IBTFF-3407
- TaroWorks Android 10 Support IBTFF-3571
- Configuring Appium IBTFF-3627
- As a Mobile User, I want image metadata to persist on images uploaded from gallery and downloaded from SF plus last known location improvements IBTFF-3586
- As a TaroWorks support employee, I would like all notifications and error messages with references from to be redirected to the support form IBTFF-3573
- Update Android Instrumentation Tests to support gradle upgrade - Fixing Unit tests classes IBTFF-3464
- As a TaroWorks Developer, I want mobile logs to capture information to help me debug issues with image compression IBTFF-3300
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