- TaroWorks 6.4.1 - Apr 2021
- Resolved the occurrence of error 90001 while syncing the TaroWorks app on devices running Android 6.x and below.
- TaroWorks 6.4.0 - 21st Jan, 2021
What's New
- Force select all on last level of HDD on Mobile
- Allow Relationship fields on DDH Filters
- Misc Improvements
Mobile Money batch failure retries
Mobile Compatibility
- Works with apk version 6.4
Upgrade Instructions to 6.4.x
Resolved Issues
Known Issues
Limits and Large Quantities (all known issues are around large number of questions, submissions, job activities, mobile users etc)
- Please expect slower performance during field mapping with large surveys.
- Photo and Signature URL's are incorrect in sandbox instances IDALMSA-9956, IDALMSA-3702
- Surveys above 300 questions are not supported. If you have survey needs greater than 300 questions, please split into multiple surveys during design.
- Surveys with more than 200 questions but lots of options in Single/Multi Select Questions are also not supported. Please split into multiple surveys during design. IDALMSA-3758
- Error Occurs when viewing or cloning a survey with 400 questions IDALMSA-8931
- Export to CSV All rows will break after 4000 rows. Workaround is to manually select the rows after that you need. IDALMSA-6512, IDALMSA-8908
- More than 24k job activities cannot be viewed on Job Activities tab. Workaround is to create a Salesforce report to view job activities.
- Filtering on Mobile Users or Contacts in Job Activities tab will not work with large number of contacts. Workaround is to create a Salesforce report to view job activities.
- More than 10k assigned performance targets cannot be updated. IDALMSA-5110. IDALMSA 5747.
- Too many query rows, 50001 error when Org has more than 50k Contacts and trying to load the Jobs target page. IDALMSA-8040
- Media files created by a Mobile User are not visible to other Mobile Users on Drill-down Hierarchy record details on Mobile. IDALMSA-10634
- New! Submissions to update a survey record using an autonumber field as id field not mapping properly IDALMSA-11779
- Note: You should not have any custom objects with the same API name as the TaroWorks Package objects.
- If a user belongs to many groups and sub groups, they will encounter the 'Too many SOQL queries" error when logging in and syncing. Try to keep the number of groups at a minimum. IDALMSA-7499
- Do not pass in LastViewedDate or LastReferencedDate fields will not render in your Drill-down Hierarchies IDALMSA-6687.
- There can be a delay in Queue Ownership when Publishing and Cloning Jobs. IDALMSA-7722. IDALMSA-7745
- Only 4 Drill-down Hierarchies in a single Job are supported. IDALMSA-7735.
- No mobile records will appear for a drill-down hierarchy level that has a filter on a value that is not a number or checkmark box, and the mobile user’s language does not match the company language. IDALMSA-8121
- Unexpected behavior can occur if the you've not assigned records to mobile users from the same object with which you are starting your drill-down hierarchies IDALMSA-8597
- An error is thrown for standard objects fields that are not accessible IDALMSA-8862
- Drill-down hierarchy filtering does not supporting picklist values where the label is different from the API name IDALMSA-9002
- Error occurs when applying filter if there are more than 50,000 records IDALMSA-9439
- TaroWorks does not supporting polymorphic lookups fields found in some standard objects such as Task and Event objects. When these objects are used on Drilldown Hierarchy, no records will be visible to the Mobile Users. IBTFF-3581
Mobile Users and Object Assignment
- If you delete an entire object where records have been assigned to a Mobile User, it will still display on the Mobile User's device. Workaround is to edit another object that's assigned to the Mobile User first. IDALMSA-6190.
- TaroWorks Mobile User creation and the TaroWorks Mobile User details page take time to load. The workaround is to disable the cashing setting 'Enable the Secure and persistent browser' to improve performance.
- Go to Setup, Under "Administration Setup", go to Security -> Session Settings.
- Uncheck the "Enable secure and persistent browser caching to improve performance" option under the Caching section and click on Save.
- The 'Assigned Public Group Names' and Assigned Public Group Ids have a field limit of 131072 characters. IDALMSA-10099
- If you delete the record type of contact object, on reverse sync, Taroworks Mobile User object 'Contact Record Type' field will not get updated. The workaround is to manually update the 'Contact Record Type' field on Taroworks Mobile User, which is related to the particular contact (whose record type is deleted). IDALMSA-10139.
- On the new TaroWorks Mobile User tab, only 200 MU records can be selected at a time on the list view for MRA and Public Group assignment. IDALMSA-10217.
- There are performance issue when doing bulk unassignment of 1000 records from 200 Mobile Users on the new TaroWorks Mobile User Tab. IDALMSA-10326.
- The Salesforce CRM Content User setting is not checked by default when a Mobile User is created from the new TaroWorks Mobile User Tab. This setting will have to be checked manually on the user record. IDALMSA-10618
- In order to use the new Mobile User management functionality, the Org needs to be on the Salesforce Lightning Experience. Only add the new TaroWorks Mobile User tab and remove the old Mobile Users tab if using the SF Lightning experience.
- Custom field details on the TaroWorks Mobile User object are not saved when new TaroWorks Mobile User records are created on the TaroWorks Mobile User tab. The Workaround is to edit the new record and add the custom field value or to create the TaroWorks Mobile User via data loader. IDALMSA-10702.
- Error 00004 is displayed when a Mobile User attempts to update a Contact, Account or TaroWorks Mobile User record if they don't have the Create permission on those objects. IDALMSA-10831.
- TaroWorks permission checking is run when database changes are made to Contact, Account or User records when not related to TaroWorks.
- New! When viewing or editing the TaroWorks Mobile User details, the pages don't load fully intermittently for both Admin and TaroWorks Users when an org is on the Winter '22 release. IDALMSA-11252
Cascading Selects
- Error "Apex heap size too large" Exception will occur when trying to clone a survey with over 5000 unique cascading select options IDALMSA-7734
- Cascading Selects cannot be in Repeat sections.
Field Mapping (in Jobs and Surveys)
- Never delete or rename an object/field involved in Field Mapping
- If you accidentally map to an object that's still In Development, Mobile Users will see a Generic Object Creator error. IDALMSA-6140.
- In addition, if a survey with a deleted field mapping is in both a published and a draft job, it cannot be auto-closed, and will continue to cause errors on mobile when trying to Sync. IDALMSA-5922.
- Owner Id relation does not appear in Field Mapping. IDALMSA-6839
- Submissions don't come in if they were sync'ed after Auto-Closing of Survey due to Bad Field Mapping from another User. IDALMSA-8321
Forms and Form Results
- If you have a text answer where the first character is a comma, Survey Results will not work. Export to CSV to see results. IDALMSA-7735
- Javascript Error thrown when editing form with questions in Khmer questions in Internet Explorer IDALMSA-8765
- After upgrade to 6.0.x, if you have forms with reserved keywords, any referring Dynamic Operations(JS) breaks. IDALMSA-9665
Question Builder
- Odd behavior may occur in low bandwidth situations or when internet disconnects intermittently. Be careful when editing your survey. IDALMSA-2416
- Only 99 options can be added to a picklist type question on question builder, otherwise an error occurs IDALMSA-8518 IDALMSA-8531 IDALMSA-8532
Location Mapping
- Photos and Signatures created before upgrade to TaroWorks 4.3 will not display in maps. A script will need to be run in developer console. IDALMSA-7856
Salesforce Lightning
- Creating and sharing folders and dashboards is not yet available in Lightning - This will need to be done in SF Classic.
- TaroWorks UI and look and feel on Survey Manager in Lightning doesn't match what it is SF Classic IDALMSA-8523
- Jobs tab is not being set as landing tab for TaroWorks App in SF Lightning IDALMSA-8492
Mobile Money
- Date picker to schedule a Collections job on the Application settings page does not work on Mozilla versions that are below 56 IDALMSA-9560
- When query is executed using SF Standard API 'Invalid Field' error is thrown for standard objects fields IDALMSA-8862
- There will be Profile level Permissions error whenever a user profile doesn't have access to TaroWorks Mobile User object and wants to make changes to user fields that are mapped the TaroWorks Mobile User object.
- The workaround is to add the respective object and field access either to the user profile or Create a permission set extending the access for the TaroWorks Mobile User object. The permissions below should be added.
- TaroWorks Mobile user Object level : Read and Edit
- TaroWorks Mobile user Field level fields access:
- Active
- Role
- Contact Name
- The workaround is to add the respective object and field access either to the user profile or Create a permission set extending the access for the TaroWorks Mobile User object. The permissions below should be added.
- New! Currency field not available to add to field sets for TaroWorks Mobile User object IDALMSA-10744
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