This article details the step-by-step instructions for migrating your existing Mobile Users to a Community Partner Account. At the completion of this article, all of your existing Mobile Users will have credentials to access Salesforce via a Partner Community with a Salesforce user account and Community Partner User profile. The following topics will be covered in this article:
- A. Generate New Mobile Users - This tool generates a Salesforce User account with a Community Partner User profile and corresponding username for each existing mobile user.
- B. Set Passwords for new Mobile Users - Before accessing TaroWorks, each new Mobile User must log into the Community Site and create an initial password.
- C. Enable New Mobile Users as Salesforce CRM Content Users - In order to leverage the TaroWorks library, mobile users need this setting checked.
- D. Assign TaroWorks License to each Partner Community Users - In order for a Community site to be accessed by its members, and for your Field Officers to access the Salesforce back-end, the Community need to be published.
A. Generate New Mobile Users
- Click on the Surveys Tab.
- Replace everything in the URL after /apex/ with GeneratePartnerUsers.
- Press enter.
Example: if the URL at the survey page is
Then the URL should be - You will see the page "Generate Partners Users - Taroworks Partner Users" below.
- For Partner Account, select the account you created in the previous step.
NOTE: All newly generated Partner Community user will be associated with this account. If you wish to change account later, you may do so in the Contact record with an account created with these steps. - Enter a Domain name to attach to existing usernames. This will be attached to all your existing Mobile Users' usernames. For example, if your current mobile user's name is cbrown, and you choose for your domain name, then their new username will be
NOTE: If you have existing usernames in email format, remove the domain portion of the username in the Mobile Users tab prior to migration. The migration tool strips @'s, periods, and spaces from existing usernames. - For Email, enter the default email address for all users created. This email will be associated with all mobile users migrated and will get an email for each user to set the initial password.
NOTE: Even if you wish for your field officers to have their own email on file for password management, we highly recommend that you first complete this step to set their initial passwords and THEN transfer the email back to them on their. - Click on Generate Users.
NOTE: Please pay attention to any error messages as they will inform you which specific mobile users failed to migrate and the reason why. Please contact support for assistance if you are not able to resolve the issue.
NOTE: Time zones of the newly created Partner Community Users will be set to the same timezone as the User running this.
NOTE: If you have a lot of Mobile Users to migrate you might see a Ending position out of bound error. Repeat step 8 and error should resolve.
B. Set Passwords for New Mobile Users
- Please log out of your Salesforce instance. (Alternatively, open Chrome's browser Incognito window, or another similar browser feature before continuing with step 2 below.)
- Check the email of the default email address used in the migration step above.
- For each new User created, click the link contained in the email to reset the password and log into the Community.
- Change the password and click Save, please record this and share with your field officers. You may wish to give them the same one as they had before.
NOTE: It is possible that the old passwords are too short to be permitted under Salesforce security rules. In that case you will have to change it.
C. Enable New Mobile Users as Salesforce CRM Content Users
- Navigate to the Mobile User Tab.
- For each new mobile user that was migrated, click the Edit link and check the Salesforce CRM User box.
NOTE: If you would like the Field Officer to receive their Forgot Password emails to an email address other than the one set during migration, use this opportunities to update the record in the Email field.
D. Assign TaroWorks License to Partner Community Users
- Log back into your Salesforce instance as the administrator.
- Click Setup in top right corner.
- Navigate to App Setup > Installed Packages.
Tip: Type 'Installed' in the search bar above the menu. - Click Manage Licenses next to the TaroWorks package.
- Click Add Users.
- Click the Role header to sort Users by role. Check the new new Partner Community Users in the Action column. Click Add.
Tip: Use Create New View to set filters that you will reuse.
Tips and Tricks:
- You can return here and remove licenses from inactive users and reassign them to others.
- You can change a Partner Community User username, but the user should be logged off first.
- You can only have one Partner Community User per contact.
- Unchecking the Active box stops that user from connecting to Salesforce.
Congratulations, you have successfully migrated your existing Mobile Users into TaroWorks Partner Users that will be able to securely access your upgraded version of TaroWorks. In future, to add new Mobile User, please follow the instructions here.
Please continue to the next step of your upgrade: 09. Update Existing TaroWorks Sites
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