Central to TaroWorks is the concept of Jobs and Tasks. A Job is a defined process to be completed by a mobile user. A Task is an ordered step in that process. It is also possible to have Jobs consisting of only a single Task.
In order for your mobile users to complete a Job, you would first need to build and publish it. When a mobile users syncs, updates go from the device to Salesforce, and from Salesforce to the device. Any new Jobs that have been published will then be available on the device. (If you have Assigning Jobs to Groups enabled, you'll also have to assign the Job to a group or mobile user.) Once the field officer finishes the Job, marks the Job complete, and syncs, the data from that Job will be transferred into Salesforce and removed from the device.
The following high level topics will be covered in this article:
- A. Job Navigation - Accessing Jobs
- B. Job Components - Breaking down a Job
- C. Job Example - A simple example of a Job on mobile
A. Job Navigation
Jobs are built and published (made available to Mobile Users) in the "back-end" or in your Salesforce instance. Log in to Salesforce, select the TaroWorks App and click the tab labeled Jobs to begin.
- In the table of Jobs you will find the following columns, which you can click to sort the Jobs:
- Draft - The Job has not been published.
- Published - The Job has been published. If Assigning Jobs to Groups is not enabled, all mobile users will be able to see that Job. If Assigning Jobs to groups is enabled, the Job can now be assigned to mobile users.
- Closed - The Job has been closed and will not be available in the Jobs menu on the mobile devices.
- The name of the Job, which appears in the Jobs list on the mobile device.
- The salesforce user created the Job.
- The date when the Job was first created.
- Status
- Job Name
- Created by
- Created date
- Published Date
- The date the Job was published.
- Last Modified date
- This displays the date when the form was last modified.
- Actions
- Preview - allows you to view a Published Job.
- Clone - This will create an identical copy of the Job in draft status.
- Assign to Groups - When Assigning Jobs to Groups is enabled, you can assign the Job to groups of mobile users so that is appears on their mobile devices.
- New Job Target - Shows the user to create Job Targets to the Job.
- Change Owner- Allows you to change the owner of the Job.
- Delete - Allows you to delete Jobs in Draft status.
- Edit (Pencil icon) - Clicking this icon allows you to edit a draft Job.
- Publish (Play icon) - Clicking this icon allows you to publish a Job. If Assigning Jobs to Groups is not enabled, all mobile users will be able to see that Job. If Assigning Jobs to groups is enabled, the Job can now be assigned to mobile users.
- Close (Do not icon) - Clicking this icon allows you to close a published Job, removing it from the mobile users' devices upon the next sync.
- More Actions - clicking this display a dropdown menu with the following options:
- In the top (red box) you will find features to control which forms are displayed in the table:
- The droplist filters the table by Jobstatus, the default option is “Draft and Published”. Other available options are “Draft”, “Published”, “Closed” and “All”.
- Table display 20 Jobs in a page, use the links to navigate to Jobs not shown on this page.
- Filter
- Next Page / Previous Page
B. Job Components
In TaroWorks each job contains the following components, together these define what the FO needs to know and do. This document will first introduce these common components by looking at a job that is fully built:
1. Job Name
This is the title that will be presented to the mobile users in the Jobs list.
2. Instructions
This is optional. You can enter a few short sentences for mobile users to read before commencing the Job.
4. Drill-Down Hierarchies
Drill-Down Hierarchies are the way you can expose data from Salesforce to your mobile users. The hierarchy is a series of related objects starting with the highest level parent. The hierarchy determines how your mobile user will drill down to find the record that they will view, change or append a child record to.
In the screenshot there are four levels of parent-child objects. 1st is Contact, 2nd is Well Site, 3rd is Well Site Member and 4th is Well Member Visit. Your mobile users will first drill down by choosing the Contact and then choose the Well Sites under that chosen Contact and so on Passing Values into Forms via Hierarchy Drill-downs.
* Supporting Salesforce Article: Object Relationships
5. Tasks
In TaroWorks you have three types of tasks to build a job with:
- Data Collection Task – collect information via a Form
- View Data Task – view information about a particular record
- View Resource Tasks – view resources from the TaroWorks library such as pictures, audio clips, video clips, documents, etc.
C. Job Example
The following is a simple example of a Job named Register Well Site, that take the mobile user through a single task to collect data about a well site.
Salesforce (back-end):
Android Application (front-end):
This article contained a high level overview of Jobs. The remaining articles in this section will cover Jobs in more detail, including how they are built.
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