In order for your mobile users to complete a Job, you would first need to build it and then publish it in Salesforce. This article will walk through the steps of how to do that. For this example, we are going to build a one-task Job that will perform a check-in on a member of a program.
- A. Create a New Job - Firstly the Job needs to be created.
- B. Build Drill-Down Hierarchies (optional) - Drill-down hierarchies are optional, and only needed if you want the mobile user to reference existing records from Salesforce. A Job can have a maximum of 5 drill-down hierarchies, with 4 objects in each.
- C. Create Tasks - All Jobs must have a least one Task.
- View Resource Task Video - allows you to review a file from the TaroWorks library, like PDF, video, spreadsheet, etc.
- View Data Task Video - allows you to view a record from Salesforce.
- Data Collection Task Video - allows you to input data into Salesforce with a Form.
A. Jobs
- To create a new Job, click the Jobs Tab and click New.
- Enter the Job Name that you would like the mobile user to see in the Jobs list.
- Enter any instructions you would like the mobile user to have access to when they start the Job.
- Keep the Job in "Draft" Status for the initial save.
B. Drill-Down Hierarchies
- If you want to pull data out of Salesforce, you do this with a hierarchy drill-down. For this example, we want to perform a check-in on a Well Site Member. Based on the way our data is related, we want our mobile users to be presented with a list of Regions to choose from, then Well Sites in that region, and then Well Site Members that belong to that Well Site in order to locate the record they will be working with.
- Click Add Drill-Down Hierarchy.
- Enter a Drill-down Hierarchy Name. The purpose of this, is to give your Mobile User an idea of what they are making selections for, or what record they will be drilling down to. (Starting in TaroWorks 4.1, you can add multiple drill-down hierarchies, and this helps to distinguish them)
- Select first Object or list of assigned records that you'd like your mobile users to begin drilling down from. It is best practice to always start Job Drill Down Hierachies at the same level you’re doing Mobile Record Assignment.
- Select the Field Displayed on Record List/on Drill-Down to chose the field that will represent the record in the list.
- We won't add Field displayed on Detail View on this level of the drill-down.
- Click Save.
- To add another level to the drill-down, click Add Object.
- When you select the Object drop down menu, only the child objects of the first level will be displayed. Select an Object. In this example, once the mobile user has selected a region, the second level will display all the Well-Sites in the region that was selected.
- Choose the Field Displayed in Record List/Drill Down.
- There are two reasons for moving Available Fields to Selected Fields. The first is if your mobile user would be interesting in viewing more information about the records available for selection, either to inform their operations or to validate they are choosing the correct record. The second is if the value of this field will need to be passed in to a response for a form question. The mobile user can view detail fields by selecting the "paper icon" below.
- You can add or remove field using the Add or Remove buttons (the left and right arrows) between the Available Fields box and the Selected Fields box.
- You can also rearrange the order in which the Selected Fields or Detail Fields will be displayed by using the Up and Down buttons (the up and down arrows).
- Once you have all the Selected Fields added that you'd like exposed to the mobile user, click Save.
- To add the final level for this example, click Add Object.
- Again select the Object, Field to display on Drill Down, and Fields Displayed on Detail View. For this object, we are going to pass the Well Site Member Name into a response to a Form question, so we've selected that field. There also may be two member with similar names, so we've added Gender and Date of Birth so the mobile user can use that information to ensure they've selected the right record.
- Click Save.
- If you do not want the mobile user to see all the records they've been assigned, you can add Drill-down hierarchy filters to limit the records displayed.
- If you need to access data from another hierarchy of objects, you can click Add Hierarchy Drill-Down to do so.
C. Tasks
- To add a new Task, click the New button in the Tasks section of the Job.
- We want to collect information which checks in with the Well Site Member, so we are going to select a Collect Data Task.
- Enter a Title for the Task.
- You can enter Instructions for the Task for the mobile user.
- Select the Form containing the question you'd like your mobile user to provide responses to.
- If you'd like to have responses to questions in the Form pre-populated (and not editable) with values from the Detail Fields in your Drill-Down hierarchy, click +Add.
- Task Map the Detail Fields to the Form responses by Selecting the Object, Object Field, and Form Field. Only the Detail fields from the Drill-Down Hierarchy will be available to me mapped into the form.
Only number and text data types can be task mapped. - Click Save on the Task.
- To add additional Tasks, click New in the Task section. You can control the sequencing of Tasks using the Order button.
- Click Save on the Job.
- To publish the job, click on the green arrow next to the Job's Name.
- If you have the Assigning Jobs to Groups feature enabled, you'll also need to assign this Job to a Group the mobile user belongs to before it will appear on their device upon syncing.
Note: When you allow a mobile user to select many records, task-mapping from this Drill-Down Hierarchy needs to be passed into a repeat section while when you allow a mobile user to select only one record, task-mapping from this Drill-Down Hierarchy should be passed into a regular section.
Congratulations! You've completed the steps to build and publish a Job with a single Collect Data Task. Once the user completes the Job and syncs it into the System, the below is the result:
The information is helpful, however am getting this Error:
The Job cannot not be published because all related Surveys of Tasks must be published.yet when i check it is published, where could be the problem?
Hi Emma,
The survey in your Collect Data Task is not in a published status. If you encounter further trouble please email us at
Thank you!
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