Salesforce Troubleshooting
- TaroWorks Mobile User Detail Page not Loading
- Your request to install TaroWorks X.X.X was unsuccessful
- TaroWorks creates a new Survey record instead of updating an existing Survey record even with correct field mapping
- Cannot have "Run Reports" enabled on profile while enabling "View All Custom Settings"
- Error: The question or section referenced does not exist
- TaroWorks Mobile User Tab is Missing Mobile Users or is Blank
- Error 429 : TOO MANY REQUESTS - Request was throttled
- Error 401: UNAUTHORIZED - Invalid token.
- Maps stopped displaying on records in Salesforce
- Error 60000: Mobile Money Error
- Invalid id: 000000000000000 in Forms tab
- Maximum view state limit (135KB) exceeded. Actual view state size for this page was 135.031KB
- I've removed the System Administrator profile from my Partner Community and now I'm locked out from Managing it
- Error: Unable to access Mobile Users tab after upgrading to TaroWorks 4.9
- TaroWorks sObjectContactAssociation Upgrade Failed
- A mobile user is not appearing in the mobile users tab
- Error: Click here to follow instructions to upgrade existing surveys to be compatible with TaroWorks version 4.3
- When cloning an Form, "Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER, operation performed with inactive user X as owner of Y"
- TaroWorks Admin hits error on viewing TaroWorks Mobile User details
- Failed to process batch for class 'XXX' for job id 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
- Reminder: You do not have the latest version available activated. Please go to Application Settings to activate the latest version
- When attempting to clone a form, receiving the error "The title is too long. Please enter another"
- When exporting data from Salesforce I lose special characters
- My images and signatures are not displaying, and are showing as broken links.
- When Cloning a Form, receive error "You must select an existing form" or "List has no Rows for assignment to SObject"
- Manage External User Button is Missing
- Portal Account Owner Has No Role - cannot create community partner user
- When I try to edit a question in the form builder I get the following error " gfsurveys.DeleteQuestion: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object (gfsurveys)"
- When Publishing a Form, I got an error saying "APEX CPU time limit exceeded".
- When cloning a job, I got an error saying "Invalid jobs cannot be cloned. Please create a new job." Why and what can I do?